
How To Set Up Jira Server

JIRA - Installation

In this chapter, nosotros will larn how to install JIRA on your system.

Of import Points to Note

  • JIRA is a web awarding that provides a private website to an individual or a set of requested users belonging to the same visitor/projection.

  • JIRA can be run every bit a Windows Service at the server side.

  • JIRA is a pure Coffee based application and supports all Os platforms similar Windows, Linux of different versions or MAC, etc., those satisfy JDK/JRE requirements.

  • JIRA supports all famous browsers like Chrome, IE, Mozilla and Safari.

  • It supports Mobile browsers too in mobile views.

Organisation Requirements

Since JIRA is a web-application, it follows the concept of client/server. Information technology means that JIRA can exist installed centrally on a server and users can interact with information technology through web-browsers using a website from whatever computer.

  • Browser − JavaScript should be enabled, the user is recommended not to apply any script-blocking tool like NoScript to access full functionality of JIRA.

  • JDK/JRE − It is recommended to update JRE/JDK with the latest version. JIRA 6.4 recommends using JRE/JDK version 8.

Since our scope is to swallow the JIRA application as terminate users, we can ignore the server side requirements.

Installation at the Server Side

  • JIRA follows the Client/Server concept. At the server side, JIRA must be installed before using information technology as end user.

  • At the server side, JIRA must connect with relation database to store issues/application data.

  • Download the JIRA Windows Installer.exe file from the post-obit link − 488778536.

  • Select the OS type and click on Download.

The following screenshot shows how to download the .exe file for a specific OS.

Download Jira Software

Run the .exe file to run the installation wizard. The following screenshot shows the downloaded .exe file.

Jira Software for free

Afterwards clicking the .exe file, the Run confirmation pop-up displays, click on RUN. The following screenshot shows the RUN confirmation pop-upwards.


The following JIRA installation wizard displays, click on Side by side.

JIRA installation Steps Next

Choose the appropriate installation pick as shown in following screenshot and then click on Next.

Express Install

The installation summary is displayed with the Destination Directory, Dwelling house Directory, TCP Ports, etc., as shown in the following screenshot.

Express Install

Click on Install. JIRA will start installing equally displayed in following screenshot. It takes a couple of minutes to finish the installation.

Extracting Files

Later installation, JIRA will be started automatically if the check box to "Start JIRA Software 7.iii.4 now" is checked. Then click on Adjacent, if not, it tin can be accessed using the appropriate Windows Start Card shortcut.

Installation Completes

Click the Cease push.

Finish button

The installer will create the following shortcuts on the start menu −

  • Admission JIRA
  • Start JIRA Server
  • Stop JIRA server
  • Uninstall JIRA

The post-obit screenshot shows the in a higher place-mentioned shortcuts −

Access JIRA

Select the license type and enter organization name as shown in following screenshot −

License Type and Organization

Click on Generate License

Generate License

A confirmation popular-up will display every bit shown in the post-obit screenshot. Click on Yep.


Prepare the administration account as displayed in the following screenshot.

Administration Account Setup

JIRA volition automatically finish the setting-up as shown below −

Finishing Setup

Once JIRA finishes the setup and starts running in the server, the user can admission information technology from a browser on whatsoever reckoner with network access to the JIRA server.

JIRA is ready

Useful Video Courses

Introduction on Jira and Confluence


Introduction on Jira and Confluence


Jira for Beginners - Detailed Course to Get Started in Jira


How To Set Up Jira Server,


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