
How To Set Bid Cap Facebook Ads

When yous are new to running Facebook ads, it can experience a little chip like rolling the die at the casino.

There is a lot of complexity nether the hood, peculiarly when information technology comes to bidding.

While in that location is no ane-size-fits-all arroyo, nosotros're going to share how you can meliorate your Facebook bid strategy, including:

  • 1. What is the Bid Strategy on Facebook Ads?
  • two. What is the Best Way to Bid?
  • 3. What's a Practiced Bid Cap on Facebook Ads?
  • four. 29 Ways to Meliorate Your Facebook Ads Bidding Strategy
    • 1. Ascertain your primary conversion event
    • two. Set target expenses
    • 3. Know how much yous desire to spend on a conversion
    • 4. Brand sure you are using the right campaign goal
    • v. Duplicate ad campaigns instead of increasing ad spend to an existing campaign
    • 6. Add animate room to your budget
    • 7. Stick with the lowest cost bid strategy
    • 8. Start with a higher bid
    • 9. Cull value optimization with minimum ROAS bid strategy
    • x. Leverage geo-targeting
    • xi. Stay in the middle of Facebook's suggested bid
    • 12. Focus on client value above anything else
    • thirteen. Optimize your advert landing pages
    • 14. Try walk-ups
    • 15. Apply both custom and lookalike audiences
    • sixteen. Create custom audiences for specific products
    • 17. Start by edifice a custom audition using a video campaign
    • 18. Create many niche ad sets
    • xix. Set up cost cap at 100% availability
    • 20. Utilize boosted posts
    • 21. Import your customer information into Facebook
    • 22. Use the inspect tool
    • 23. Stick with transmission bidding
    • 24. Test multiple ad objectives within the aforementioned campaign
    • 25. Set limits instead of bids
    • 26. Optimize for clicks
    • 27. Conduct lots of experiments
    • 28. Question existing advert all-time practices
    • 29. Always exist testing
Facebook Ads Dashboard Template

one. What is the Bid Strategy on Facebook Ads?

Your Facebook Ads bid strategy contributes to how oftentimes your ads get seen and delivered to your target audience.

2. What is the Best Way to Bid?

When it comes to your Facebook bid strategy, at that place are many different philosophies for how to approach this from sticking with fully automatic bidding (controlled past Facebook's algorithm), manual bidding (i.e. bid/cost caps), CPC behest, CPM bidding, and more.

All of them take their pros and cons. It boils downward to your business concern, advertising budget, hazard tolerance, willingness to experiment, and desired goals.

3. What'southward Good Bid Cap on Facebook Ads?

When it comes to Facebook ads, there is no ane-size-fits-all approach to behest. What works for some brands might not work for others.

A general rule of thumb is to set a bid cap that is less than the maximum amount you can spend for your desired conversion.

For example, if you can't spend more than $75 for a lead, then your bid cap should be under $74 or less.

iv. 29 Ways to Better Your Facebook Ads Behest Strategy

Nosotros reached out to some Facebook ad pros to hear nigh the 29 tactics that are working best for them correct at present.

i. Define your chief conversion event

"Define your conversion effect," says Eliza Nimmich of Tutor the People. "You should have a good idea of what pace you desire people to take when they see your ad before y'all make up one's mind to persuade someone.

Forms of Facebook-supported transactions include: watching content, adding to wishlist, triggering checkout, and ordering. If you take any ambitions in mind, you can build unique conversion events too.

Don't wait one advertisement to serve all of your conversion goals.

Create separate ads for each goal, consider where these goals fit into the consumer journeying, and target accordingly."

For example, Michael D.Brown of Fresh Results Institute says, "While the majority would go with CPC (Cost Per Click), I favor the Bidding on Conversions strategy. This has lavished me with incredible results from my Facebook ad campaigns."

"Equipped with this strategy, what Facebook does for me is to target my ads at an audition with the highest propensity of being converted, fulfilling my marketing objective. This could exist downloading my app, getting more sign-ups, or as simple as liking my page."

"Ane of the almost pregnant selling points of this bidding strategy is that information technology is highly streamlined and targeted, being that my intention is accurately spelled out."

"For this strategy to be maximized in terms of results, you lot must put judicious results on customer value. Here, you would calculate your bid on the basis of the anticipated value per click (VPC)."

"The VPC here helps you clarify the economic science of the campaign. It gives you lot a picture of if you would win, suspension-even, or lose."

"To arrive at the VPC, y'all need an guess of your client'southward average lifetime value. Simply put, this is the sum of earnings y'all would accrue from ane customer for their duration of patronage."

"Of course, y'all are going to need data to become this. Admittedly, bigger brands have easier access to accurate historical data from which they tin synthesize the average customer lifetime value. As a smaller business, you may not have this luxury; hence you may have to brand practise with your closest approximate."

"An emphatic understanding of your VPC will allow yous to maximize or optimize your Bids on Conversion strategy. Y'all mustn't cede bidding responsibility to Facebook. You would lose control, which is extremely crucial."

ii. Set up target expenses

"You should utilise target expenses when deciding to execute a long-term plan or expect at sizes and increase the budget," says William Schumacher of Uprising Food. "That volition make the expense per example more predictable. When doing so, play with the lowest possible overall expense that volition result in the money being invested"

three. Know how much you desire to spend on a conversion

"To improve your Facebook ad bidding strategy, what you want to know is how much you desire to spend for a conversion," says Jonathan Aufray of Growth Hackers. "Then, you tin can set a bid cap. Past setting a bid cap, you will brand certain that yous don't spend also much for a conversion."

4. Make sure you are using the correct campaign goal

"Ane of the best and most of import things when bidding on Facebook is to ensure that you are using the correct campaign goal for what you want to achieve," says Steven Boffa of Tug Agency. "Besides, opt for paying for clicks and non impressions wherever possible while trying to minimize the cost per action (ex. CPC)."

5. Duplicate advertising campaigns instead of increasing ad spend to an existing entrada

"We take discovered that when running Facebook advertising campaigns information technology is more effective (in ROI terms) to duplicate the campaign and deploy boosted upper-case letter rather than increasing advert spend on the existing campaign," says James Ford of AutoBead.

"Interestingly, nosotros ran an A/B test across nine recent campaigns to further test this insight. Much to our surprise, we institute that this "hack" resulted in a 21% increment in revenue on the duplicated campaign in comparison to when we increased our spending on an existing ad."

6. Add breathing room to your upkeep

"Always take a breathing space budget/bid for an advertizing set in order to not limit the attain of the entrada," says David Dsouza of Delta Growth. "A simple rule for bidding would exist to start off with Cost per acquisition/lead + bid space (1/2 of CPA/CPL). This strategy doesn't limit your reach and gives you a realistic value to the entrada toll which tin can then exist modulated equally per goals."

"This same technique is used by Facebook when you opt for the 'Everyman cost' bid strategy. You volition notice that the cost will be college at the first of the campaign and every bit you lot spend more than budget and learning is accumulated, the costs are optimized to the results you are aiming for. (more than or less)."

7. Stick with the lowest price bid strategy

"One way to improve your entrada performance is to change the auction bidding from lowest cost to lowest toll with a cap," says Sanju Ganglani. "Most users don't know that the lowest cost is enabled in ad sets by default. This small-scale tweak tells Facebook to become the lowest price per result possible and takes your spend further while increasing ROI."

Kira Fahmy of Perfect Search Media says, "Establishing bid and toll caps can limit your advertizing'south commitment to potential users. This, in turn, could end up driving up your cost per conversion and lowering the return on ad spend (ROAS)."

Anjana Wickramaratne of Inspirenix Digital Marketing adds, "This volition non permit Facebook'southward bidding algorithm to bid a greater value than the bid cap you have set. This volition go you better control over your bid strategy, simply my communication is to employ this method only if you have identified your ideal target market and running a conversion ads campaign."

CJ Xia of Booster Biological Technology agrees, "I believe that the Lowest Cost Bid Strategy is one of the best ways to improve the Facebook Ad bidding strategy. It is the lowest possible cost per optimized event while spending the whole budget. The principal do good of the everyman price strategy is efficiency. Someone too sets a Bid Cap if you want to control how much Facebook volition spend on an event while using the lowest price bid strategy."

For example, Samantha Kohn of AutoVerify says, "While every campaign is unlike, we find the "Lowest Toll" behest strategy to be virtually effective when beginning running a brand new campaign as it'due south fully automatic, allowing us to gain an agreement of how this specific entrada performs in the targeted location. Once nosotros have central metrics such as Cost per click, price per conversion and conversion rate, we can move to a "Target Cost" ("Cost" means Price/acquisition) bidding strategy. That strategy really allows usa to maintain a consistent CPA and eventually lower it over time."

Related: The 13 Most Important Facebook Ads Metrics for Measuring ROI

8. Showtime with a college bid

Many other Facebook ad specialists favor the opposite approach and offset with a college bid.

"Using a higher Facebook ad behest strategy will deliver better results than a lower bid strategy," says Randy VanderVaate of Funeral Funds. "Higher advertising bidding provides amend date. Your ads will receive more clicks and better click-through rate scores, which results in a higher render on investment." With this social media dashboard, you'll be able to track your date rate in real-fourth dimension.

"A higher Facebook ad bid will give y'all the upper hand on your competitors. Since you are paying more, your entrada will accept a better score in the ads algorithm and your ad will exist shown more than than your competitors. As a result, your ads volition be shown to a prime audience who is more than probable to catechumen."

Allie Burkey of Hurrdat says, "Not only are you lot putting yourself in the best possible position from the outset, but information technology likewise allows yous to gather information quickly so you tin brand performance-based decisions. From there, you lot can brainstorm tweaking your bid until you lot find the about effective number."

"Starting with a high bid likewise exposes other potential problems with the entrada. If you're non getting results even with an aggressive bid, it indicates there are other bug with the campaign or the advertising itself."

John Ross of Zivadream Test Prep agrees, "It always hurts to increase your advertizing spend, but starting with a higher bid has numerous benefits."

"Offset, information technology will ensure that your advert is placed in front end of customers most probable to accept activity (rather than high funnel users unlikely to click)."

"Second, information technology will signify quickly whether your entrada is working. If your ads aren't working on this audition, yous know you demand to change your advertising campaign."

"Tertiary, it will drive competitors out."

"If your ads are consistently being placed in forepart of more than likely customers and are converting better, they may get discouraged and reduce their advertisement spend."

"Facebook bids are an auction, then it makes sense that the more you're willing to pay, the more likely y'all are to win," explains Oliver Andrews of OA Design Services.

"If you get for automatic bidding, chances are skilful. Your bid will be high enough to win in the bidding system. If yous pay too much, y'all could have a negative campaign ROI, losing money and preventing your ads from beingness profitable. Facebook Ads are a great system, but it's never worth information technology if information technology hurts your results instead of helping them."

For example, James Major of Insurance Panda says, "I like to set a very high bid at beginning. I typically set the bid 3X to 4X higher than what the Facebook algorithm suggests."

"The highest bid puts you in the best position of the news feed, and consequently, delivers the highest quality traffic. In one case your advertising is deemed to be relevant with a loftier CTR, you can offset to lower your bid, tweak your targets, and still remain in the meridian position due to your loftier-quality ranking."

Daniel Snow of The Snowfall Agency adds, "Launch your bidding program to the top and move down. A college pricing approach provides you with the best possible starting bespeak and the most accurate details and outcomes. So you can continue to modify your offer and decrease the amounts until yous observe the perfect offer."

While many Facebook advertisers start with bidding loftier, there is some debate on whether or not to use automatic or manual bidding.

Shika Lakshman of DC Social says, "First loftier and do the work yourself. Letting Facebook automatically bid for yous puts you amid all the other advertisers, only manually behest and starting with more budget means you tin tweak your bids to go the results you want."

Kenny Trinh of Netbooknews adds, "Smart bidding is crucial and may significantly impact the success of your Facebook ad campaign. You should test various methods of bidding to find out what reduces the cost of conversion merely take into account that if you bid likewise depression, your ads may not get the exposure they need and you lot won't accomplish your goal. Higher bids put your advertizement in a better position in the newsfeed.

Of course, you tin can use a bid automatically generated by Facebook, merely this deprives you of the opportunity to ruby-red-pick the traffic, i.eastward. to get the highest-converting part of the audience.

Let'southward look at an example: yous manually set a bid three-4 times higher than Facebook algorithms propose. Yep, the first impressions will exist quite expensive, but in a day or ii the situation will be stabilized, because having fix the highest bid among your competitors, you lot get the virtually loyal users who react well to the ads, click on the artistic and make the desired conversions. Eventually, your advertising costs will be covered."

9. Cull value optimization with minimum ROAS bid strategy

Another behest approach is value optimization with minimum ROAS.

"Value optimization with min ROAS," says Tim Shu of VETCBD. "Information technology will enforce these areas of your marketing entrada. Focus campaign operation on the lesser line and ROAS. Get the virtually opportunities while maintaining minimum ROAS"

Bernadett Dioszegi of Bannersnack adds, "When your well-nigh important measure out of success is ROAS (return on advertizement spend), cull the value optimization with min. ROAS bid strategy. This is bachelor selecting one of these objectives: app installs, conversions, or itemize sales.

You lot merely accept to ready a minimum ROAS control amount and your campaign will exist optimized to get the most purchase value and continue ROAS above the amount you set. It'south important to know that this bid strategy can have a negative touch on on advertizement delivery if your minimum is likewise high, that'due south why it's essential to start with a realistic ROAS control then you can gradually increase it.

In do, if you lot want to obtain a 120% return on ad spend, you should set a minimum ROAS command of $one.20, which volition help you go at least $120 in value purchases within your conversion window for a $100 investment."

Related: 18 Ways to Optimize Your Facebook Render on Ad Spend (ROAS)

x. Leverage geo-targeting

"As a service-based provider, I adjust my bid with radius targeting and paying more for leads closer to home," says Daniel Chan of Dan Chan Presents: Virtual Magic Shows.

11. Stay in the middle of Facebook's suggested bid

"When information technology comes to Facebook Ad bidding, our organization aims to be cautious, not impulsive or overly confident," says Elijah Litscher of The Loop Marketing. "Facebook reacts improve when y'all follow their guidelines exactly and stay in the middle of the suggested bid. As the Ads on Facebook grow in the 100,000's each twenty-four hour period, beingness diligent and mindful is the best strategy to see consistent success."

12. Focus on customer value above anything else

Judson Hill of Bespoke Fiscal says, "If you lot are wondering how much your bid should be, calculate information technology on the expected value per click.

Find out the average customer lifetime value: full acquirement on average a customer volition pay for into your business. Workout the expected conversion rate. And in one case you have plenty data start to calculate your bidding rate."

"Focusing on client value has helped us tremendously improve my previous client's Facebook Ad bidding strategy," adds Ballad Tompkins of AccountsPortal. "This strategy allowed u.s.a. to use the average lifetime customer value and expected conversion charge per unit to calculate the approximate value per click. This value per click becomes the bid amount."

xiii. Optimize your ad landing pages

"Not many people realize, just the ad auction is not simply about the highest bid, but also customer experience on the other side later on the click," says Daniel Daines-Hutt of Ampmycontent. "Facebook takes into account bounce rate, site speed, and more. Brand sure to have your pixel prepare up correctly to mensurate organic leads, and improve your site speed. You'll observe your ad cost drop significantly."

fourteen. Effort walk-ups

"If you are launching a new Facebook entrada and accept a small budget you can try what's called a walk-upwardly," says Darren Graham of 408 Media. "I'd suggest selecting the transmission behest pick called Price Control and gear up your objective to conversion. You tin then try behest but under the amount yous would ideally like your conversion to be."

"For example, if your ideal cost per conversion is £10, try behest £8. Get out this for 2-4 hours. If you come across that yous are either non getting any reach, clicks, or conversions then your bid is besides modest. Next, try upping your bid by £ane and wait another ii-four hours. Do this until you begin generating leads. This may exist slightly over upkeep at showtime, merely equally Facebook learns who and where you buyers are y'all can begin finding the sweet spot between conversion cost and conversion volume."

15. Apply both custom and wait-a-like audiences

"One effective tip for improving your Facebook Ads and lowering your costs per outcome is to employ Custom Audiences & Await-a-like audiences," says Jose Victor Castellanos of Recon Media. "These audiences are based on appointment with your brand. This could be from your Website, Facebook Page, or Instagram. This creates targets of people that either have seen your brand or have an interest in your products or services.

I didn't mention the bidding strategy equally Facebook isn't really a bidding platform similar Google Ads. With Facebook, the way to lower costs is by adjusting targeting, placements, and ads."

And if you're looking to lower your Facebook advertisement costs past adjusting your ad placement, opting for either manual or automated placement works as great, according to our latest Facebook ads performance report, where nosotros learned that 44% of advertisers utilise manual placement, while 43% use Facebook automatic placement.

16. Create custom audiences for specific products

"1 effective tip for an ad bidding strategy is to spend time collecting information and creating unique custom audiences for specific products and services," says Hayley Powell of CandidSky. "Once you lot have the custom audience that works, this volition amend your overall ROAS."

Related: 2 Ways to Create High-Converting Facebook Custom Audiences

17. Offset by building a custom audience using a video campaign

"I'll outset run a branded video advertizement to get attention considering the cost is very inexpensive," says Kim Adamof of Edge Digital, Inc. "And so I create a custom audition from those views – either three-second or entire video, depending.

Conversion ads make tracking ROI easier. I'll utilize the video audition along with a Lookalike audience to provide a good quality score which reduces the price per atomic number 82.

The metric I mensurate is the cost per event or cost per lead to know if I have the all-time audience with the right message."

18. Create many niche advertisement sets

"To maximize results while lowering costs, an excellent style to better your Facebook ads bidding strategy is to create as many niche groups as possible," says Zac Johnson of "A skilful example of this would be the general audience, demographic audition, geographic audience, newsletter subscribers, site visitors, and existing customers. Through the use of Facebook custom audiences, lookalike audiences, and pixel tracking, all of this segmentation is possible."

Gianna Leflar of Pond Lehocky Giordano adds, "To lower your CPC (toll per click), target a more specific audience. Past doing this y'all can hone in on your target audition. Facebook allows you lot to tailor your advertisement to appeal to people with specific interests, areas, and demographics. When targeting a more specific audience, conversion rates are higher."

19. Ready toll cap at 100% availability

"An effective strategy to meliorate Facebook advertizing bidding is to ready the price cap at 100% availability," says Derin Oyekan of Reel Paper. "It will maximize conversion volume within your adequate CPA/CPI and Minimize your cost when possible without manually adjusting your bids."

twenty. Employ boosted posts

"Boosting posts gets a bad rap amidst marketers, but I call back that'southward because nigh people are doing it wrong," says Jarrod Wright of Chargebacks911.

"For near campaigns, I'thou actually a fan of promoting existing posts rather than starting from scratch in Ads Director. In my experience, it's the well-nigh seamless way to ensure that a single post collects all of the paid and organic appointment metrics. Comments, likes, and shares tin can have a multiplier effect, and splitting those signals between several audiences, ads or posts will dilute their impact.

You'll accept to brand sure that your landing folio uses open graph markup properly, specifically the og:prototype, of:championship, and og:image tags,but that should be best exercise regardless. In one case a post is boosted, it creates a campaign in Ads Managing director. I practise recommend spending some time optimizing the campaign placement and budget subsequently in Ads Manager.

21. Import your customer data into Facebook

"Google Ads had the advantage of capturing intent, which allowed them to build an ad network that drove results," says John Short of Chemical compound Growth Marketing. "In society to compete, Facebook has had to up the game, and build algorithms that tin identify which users are most probable to be interested in ads, and even which users will likely convert. Because of this, the most constructive thing for advertizement bidding strategy is to get your all-time information into Facebook. When you feed information in to prove them which conversions were the all-time, they will become out and try to discover more users similar that for you, and they have gotten quite proficient at it."

22. Use the inspect tool

"If you are new to Facebook, I would suggest opting for an automatic bidding strategy," says  Yash Mehta of Inbound Marketing Agency. "So even with the minimum budget, y'all tin can maximize your reach and impressions.

For a manual bidding strategy, the all-time tip is to proceed an eye on your ads, monitor it closely with the help of the Audit Tool. It volition assistance you know everything near the ad functioning and the audience. Once you know how it is performing, you make changes to the ad, bid, and strategy respectively."

23. Stick with transmission bidding

"To improve your Facebook Ad Bidding strategy and increase conversions, avoid letting Facebook bid for y'all and have control of managing your bid portfolio," says Jean-Philippe Brousseau of Phoneloops.

"Yous need to summate your value per click based on your client lifetime value. If you are a new business and lack historical information to calculate these numbers, you tin use your forecast and industry boilerplate."

"So ready your expected conversion rate representing how many customers will consummate a purchase later on clicking on your advertisement."

"Calculate your value per click by using the formula: average worth of conversion (average purchase) * (average conversion rate. So if your conversion worth is $xxx, and the expected conversion charge per unit is 1%, a click is worth $xxx * 1% = $0,3."

"Go on reviewing your lifetime value for the conversions to compare them to your target numbers."

Jack Choros of Iron Monk says, "Handle your bidding manually and have note of 3 different factors:

  1. The amount yous're bidding
  2. The estimated activeness rate on your ads. In other words, how many times people click, share, or like your ads.
  3. The overall quality of your advertisement. Meaning that your offer matches your image and that at that place is no misleading information or violation of Facebook's advertisement policies evident in your advert."

Eric Reed of reed5group adds, "The advice I give my clients is to pause the model! Rethink the tactic and shrink your universe. You need to swim upstream and be willing to spend more out of pocket with the confidence that the conquering volition be stronger. Exercise NOT employ the auto-bid option (the majority practise considering it's easy!)"

"Here is my recommendation

  • Use the manual pick
  • Employ multiple creative
  • Use multiple audience segments
  • collect and respond to data.
  • Optimize based on the information

When using FB yous are not looking for results today. You lot are looking for results tomorrow. Your goal is to solve the equation of how to engage an audition on FB and how does that date lead to acquisition."

24. Test multiple advertising objectives within the aforementioned entrada

"An constructive method to improve your Facebook Ad bidding strategy is to test multiple advert objectives with the aforementioned campaigns," says Charlie Patel of Advertizement Angles.

"Why? This allows you to truly identify whether i ad objective generates a better result than another even if it's more expensive."

"For example, sometimes paying for a specific conversion farther in the heir-apparent journey can exist more than economical fifty-fifty if information technology's at a slightly higher cost than paying for clicks."

"Y'all won't exist able to compare apples to apples until enough data is generated through acceptable advertizement spend. Though, be certain that the ads (copy and creative) and target audition are the same when using this bidding strategy. Thereafter, shift your budget to the objective with the best overall ROI." Use this social media dashboard software to measure the results each objective generates.

25. Prepare limits instead of bids

"Since Facebook behest is typically an automated affair (and mostly this is to your reward), optimizing your spend is often about limits rather than bids," says Nathan Binford of Market Chorus.

"Since there is more competition on some Facebook Interests than others, using a bid cap is a smashing fashion to avoid wasting upkeep on arbitrarily expensive targeting information. The correct bid cap will vary with each campaign, but if you're running a conversion-oriented campaign, for instance, you lot should start with a bid cap equal to the CPA you're targeting and optimize from in that location."

26. Optimize for clicks

"CPC (Cost Per Click) allows you to bid for clicks," says Alex Perkins of All the Stuff. "This means that you're going to pay only when a user clicks on your ads. The reward is that your banner could exist seen by a lot of Facebook users without you lot paying a cent if it doesn't receive clicks."

27. Conduct lots of experiments

"My primary advice on Facebook advert behest is to experiment," says Marius Thauland of Leiekontor.

"The situation backside the scenes is complex, and Facebook is definitely hiding plenty of details from yous. The best bidding strategy greatly depends on the electric current size of your audience. Minor audiences generally benefit from CPM, medium-sized ones work great with CPC, and oCPM (Pixel) is for growing an already large audience."

"This is a full general tip, but experimenting is key. The first time, you lot might set the bid besides depression, and your competition will take over the audience. Setting the bid high is great in terms of getting clicks, merely you lot will soon be spending too much to go on whatsoever further."

"Experimenting and diversification is the merely fashion you observe out what works all-time for your page/business size and the product or service you're trying to sell. Don't believe templates or magic formulas because they don't exist! Examination various approaches in curt time periods and go along with the one that shows the all-time results."

"Something I do is I start out with loftier bids, and gradually decrease them over time. It works rapidly, and the first couple of days generate clicks like wide. It elevates the folio and makes future planning easier!"

For example, Marry Gruber of HealthCentral adds, "Don't ignominy the effect even the smallest of changes may have."

"I've found that changing the "When You Go Charged" setting from Link Clicks to Impressions is excellent for lowering CPCs in the short term (i week or less) because Facebook is showing your ad to anyone that meets your targeting criteria rather than only the people most likely to click on it."

"You lot may surprise yourself how many of those suspected non-clickers will actually click (and fifty-fifty convert, depending on your KPIs!)."

Related: Facebook Advertisement Impressions: Definitions, Benchmarks, and Ways to Improve

28. Question existing advertisement best practices

"CPM bidding," says State of israel Gaudette of Linktracker Pro. "This is the most unpredictable strategy. In fact, mostly y'all will be advised to stay away from information technology as you might spend lots of coin without whatsoever results.

Well, I am the living proof that this is all wrong. Information technology boosted traffic on my website tremendously. I created multiple ad sets within the same ad campaign with dissimilar behest settings. Compared the results and found out that only in CPM bidding settings, I got the consequence that I wanted."

29. Always exist testing

"Testing, testing, and more than testing," says Rob Sanders of Socially Institute. "For a lot of marketers, their become-to procedure is to have a adequately broad audience, sometimes too wide. By continually testing the various options and combinations, such as interests, behaviors, and even demographics, you will offset to see "winning" audiences which you can look to calibration, as opposed to having them all in the ane audience grouping. Past having them all together, you'll never really get a true pic of which ones are working the best and scaling your bids accordingly for meliorate ROI."

For example, Haydeé Ferrufino of The Orange Box Agency says, "Use CBO (Campaign Budget Optimization) campaigns and test ane thing per ad set up, this means one ad set per involvement or one advertizement set per custom audition list. "This will allow y'all to have a clear understanding of what audience is performing amend while leveraging the ability of the Facebook Algorithm optimization."

Noemi Konta of STORAGECafé adds, "First, you want to test out Facebook'southward automatic bidding results. This style you can set benchmarks for time to come campaigns where you desire to have more cost control. Explore your options in-depth and test different bidding strategies within the campaigns that accept the highest price variations. One time you place the strategy that delivers the best results, you can farther test it on dissimilar audiences or creative ads to go even further with your optimizations, and rail performance with a paid ads dashboard. It's a long process for which y'all need to be patient, but it will pay off in time with better ROIs."

Facebook Ads Dashboard Template

In sum, optimizing your Facebook ads bid strategy is both an art and a science. These tactics tin can give you lot a leg upward.


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